YouTuber HIKAKIN, who announced his marriage to a woman in her 30s on January 1, 2024, is now facing allegations of being involved in another romantic relationship. HIKAKIN is known as the most famous YouTuber in Japan and has never been involved in any scandals or apologies in the past. Despite some revelations about his relationships with women in the past, his image strangely improved. So, is the allegation of him being in a two-timing relationship true? In this article, we will uncover the truth behind HIKAKIN’s alleged two-timing relationship and introduce the identity of his alleged affair partner. With over 1.24 million subscribers, HIKAKIN, a nationally renowned YouTuber, made a shocking announcement on his YouTube channel on January 1. The news was met with an outpouring of congratulatory messages, but there was one woman whose heart was in turmoil. That woman is a former girlfriend, referred to as “a-san”. HIKAKIN and a-san dated for three years and had a disagreement about whether to break up or not. HIKAKIN convinced a-san that they should have a special relationship instead of being in a committed relationship, and she mistakenly believed they were still together. However, they stopped meeting due to the pandemic, although they continued to stay in touch. From this sequence of events, suspicions of HIKAKIN being in a two-timing relationship arose when he announced his marriage. HIKAKIN and a-san met in April 2015 when a-san won a chance to attend HIKAKIN’s 26th birthday event, as she was already a fan of his. She continued attending events where HIKAKIN appeared and became recognized by him, even attacking him via direct messages on Twitter before their relationship progressed. Initially, their relationship was purely physical, but it eventually evolved into a romantic one. They enjoyed happy days together for three years. However, in 2018, a sudden change in HIKAKIN’s attitude caused a major incident. As a-san was watching the recorded footage from HIKAKIN’s home intercom one day, she noticed a woman with a hoodie pulled down deeply over her face visiting him. When a-san confronted HIKAKIN about the woman, they got into an argument, and he ultimately admitted that he was seeing other women. Shocked by his unexpected declaration of two-timing, a-san felt confused and hurt. Furthermore, HIKAKIN began insisting that they should have a special relationship instead of a committed one. Despite not being in an official relationship, a-san was still responsible for household chores and even had a sexual relationship with HIKAKIN. Their lives continued in a similar way for a while. Also, when a-san met HIKAKIN’s brother, Seki, and his manager, they were introduced as a couple. They even booked a luxury hotel to celebrate a-san’s birthday. However, in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a-san returned to her parents’ home in Kanagawa for safety reasons, and their daily phone calls became less frequent. By 2021, their communication had dwindled, and a-san found out about HIKAKIN’s marriage announcement while her belongings were still at his place. She sent him a message congratulating him on his marriage, and HIKAKIN replied with a message thanking her and saying they should both take care of themselves and stay healthy. However, a-san felt upset as HIKAKIN seemed to pretend that their relationship never existed. She apologized for not being able to celebrate his marriage and expressed her frustration with the way things ended between them. She also mentioned that she believed they were still in a relationship, despite HIKAKIN’s claims of a special relationship that involved household duties and a physical relationship. She felt deceived and hurt by his words. Later, HIKAKIN replied, thanking her for understanding, although a-san felt that he didn’t really understand. In the end, she felt disappointed that he married an ordinary person, despite saying he would only marry a celebrity when they were together. It’s a sad situation, and the story once again confirms HIKAKIN’s reputation as an adult. HIKAKIN released a video apology on his YouTube channel, sincerely apologizing to a-san for causing her distress with his thoughtless behavior at that time. He acknowledged that his behavior was inexcusable and expressed deep regret. As for the incident regarding the recorded footage from his home intercom in 2018, HIKAKIN explained that he had already communicated his intention to end their relationship at that time, and he believed their relationship was over when that happened. He admitted that he may not have fully understood a-san’s feelings and that his responses may have been misinterpreted. He also emphasized that his marriage partner had no connection to his relationship with a-san. In conclusion, the identity of a-san is suspected to be “Niku”, a self-proclaimed former “sex friend” of HIKAKIN’s who revealed their relationship on Twitter in 2017. Although they had initially agreed that their relationship would only be physical due to HIKAKIN’s circumstances, it is believed that they eventually entered into a romantic relationship. Despite the messy nature of their breakup, HIKAKIN maintains that their relationship had ended at the time he informed a-san, and their subsequent conversations were misinterpreted. It seems that although HIKAKIN and a-san shared a complex and somewhat problematic relationship, the blame cannot be solely placed on one party. Regardless, HIKAKIN deeply apologizes to a-san and reflects on his own mistakes. As for a-san, she may have experienced the consequences of not letting go of HIKAKIN, despite their lack of contact for several years. It is regrettable that the situation ended this way, and hopefully, both HIKAKIN and a-san will find happiness in their future endeavors.
- 2024年1月1日、YouTuberのHIKAKINさんが30代の一般女性との結婚を報告。
- しかし、その後、二股交際の疑惑が浮上。
- 過去には女性関係について暴露があったが、彼の印象が逆に良くなってしまったこともあり、ファンの間で驚きが広がった。
- HIKAKINさんは謝罪動画を公開し、a子さんとの関係について説明。
- a子さんは3年間付き合った後、HIKAKINさんからの特別な関係の提案を受けていたが、彼女がまだ付き合っていると勘違いしていた。
- 2018年、HIKAKINさんの自宅に別の女性が訪れる映像を確認したことから、問い詰めた際に喧嘩となり、最終的にHIKAKINさんは「お前以外にも他の女性と会っている」と言い放った。
- 結婚発表後、a子さんは驚きを隠せず、LINEでメッセージを送ったが、HIKAKINさんからは「a子さんとの関係はなかったことにする」との返信が届いた。
- HIKAKINさんは謝罪動画で、a子さんに対しての至らない態度を謝罪し、認識の相違があったことを説明。
- a子さんの正体は、肉べこさんであり、2017年に関係を暴露していた人物とされる。
- HIKAKINさんは謝罪動画で自身の行動を反省し、a子さんに対して誹謗中傷をやめるよう呼びかけている。


The rumors of him cheating on his wife are now under scrutiny. In this video, the truth behind HIKAKIN’s alleged infidelity and the identity of the woman he was involved with are revealed. HIKAKIN has over 1.24 million subscribers and is a national YouTube sensation. When he announced his marriage on January 1, it was met with an outpouring of congratulations. However, there is a woman named Ako who has conflicting feelings about his marriage. She claims to be his ex-girlfriend.
HIKAKIN and Ako dated for three years before their relationship became complicated. They had disagreements about whether to break up or not, and HIKAKIN convinced Ako that they should have a special relationship instead. However, Ako still thought they were in a relationship and was under the impression that they were still together. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were unable to meet, but they continued to communicate. Their relationship was vague and continued in an ambiguous manner.
These circumstances led to rumors of HIKAKIN cheating when he announced his marriage. HIKAKIN and Ako initially met in April 2015 when Ako won a contest to attend HIKAKIN’s 26th birthday event. Ako, who was already a fan of HIKAKIN, started attending events he participated in and even contacted him on Twitter and through direct messages. They initially had a physical relationship, but it eventually developed into a romantic one. They enjoyed three years of happiness together until an incident occurred in 2018 that changed everything.
Ako discovered through the intercom camera at HIKAKIN’s home that a woman wearing a hood had visited him. This led to an argument, and HIKAKIN eventually said that he was seeing other women besides her. Ako was taken aback by this unexpected declaration and felt hurt by it. However, their relationship continued as if nothing had happened. Ako even took on household chores and had a physical relationship with HIKAKIN. They continued their life together, which resembled their time as a couple.
When Ako met HIKAKIN’s brother and his company president, she was introduced as his girlfriend, reinforcing the idea that they were still together. They celebrated Ako’s birthday at a luxury hotel. However, in 2020, due to the pandemic, Ako returned to her family home in Kanagawa for safety reasons, and their communication gradually decreased. In 2021, their contact virtually stopped, but Ako’s belongings remained at HIKAKIN’s house.
During this time, HIKAKIN announced his marriage, which surprised Ako. She sent him a congratulatory LINE message, to which he replied, “Thank you. Let’s both take care of ourselves and do our best.” Ako felt upset by this response and apologized for not being able to share in his happiness. She expressed her frustration towards the end of the message, mentioning that she believed they were still in a relationship and that she thought his “special relationship” meant something real. She felt saddened by the fact that he had previously stated that he would only marry a celebrity, but ended up marrying a non-celebrity.
In response to the situation, HIKAKIN has released an apology video on his YouTube channel. He deeply apologizes to Ako for hurting her with his immature behavior at the time. He clarifies that when the incident with the intercom camera happened in 2018, he had already informed Ako that they were breaking up. However, their relationship continued in a complicated manner, and their understanding of each other’s intentions became distorted.
HIKAKIN emphasizes that his marriage partner and Ako did not overlap in their relationships. As for Ako’s identity, it is speculated that she may be the person who identified herself as HIKAKIN’s “sexual friend” named “Meat” on Twitter in 2017. This person had previously revealed their relationship online, causing a significant stir. Although it was initially stated that they ended their relationship as friends with benefits, it seems that their relationship developed into a romantic one.
In conclusion, HIKAKIN’s recent scandal proves his immaturity as an adult. He deeply apologizes to Ako and asks people to refrain from making derogatory comments towards her. It is clear from the video that Ako has been deeply affected by the whole situation. She is still trying to come to terms with the reality of their relationship and wishes the best for HIKAKIN’s future. The video sheds light on the truth behind the scandal and the emotional impact it has had on those involved.